Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In a Station of the Metro (Ezra Pound)

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet black bough.

This weekend, I saw green grass. In Western Canada, days of rain are uncommon; the dust and dirt never seems to wash away. My heart, with the warmer weather, longs for the earth to spring to life again. I want the cool, damp downpours and the little green buds appearing in the mud. But I must be patient. 


Matthew Pope said...

So then where is Vancouver? Beyond the western border of Canada?

Kelsey Sturm said...

Excellent point, but I would feel awkward calling it the mid-west...

Craig Sturm said...

Lots of green grass in Seattle. Even heard a lawnmower and smelled the freshly cut grass today.