Thursday, February 3, 2011



Pianistic Wordsmith said...

Haha, yeaaaah!!

At about the two-minute mark, I suddenly realized that I have either sung in an arrangement of this piece, or else done something else in which I was very closely connected to it. But I can't remember what or why!! So annoying! The middle section was very familiar to me, though...

What terrific vocalists, eh? The only thing I thought was too bad about the video is that the choreography seemed a little detrimental to the performance towards the end. Foot slapping? Hm, necessary?? I'm not sold. It seems it distracts the audience at the very least, and the singers at worst! Ah well. =) Regardless, I went away with a smile and a beat in my soul!

Craig Sturm said...

Cool song, but I couldn't get past the whiteness of the choir and the substantial lack of soul or rhythm.

Kelsey Sturm said...

I know! I've sung that middle section too ( the "siahamba" part). I thought for a predominately white choir, they did well on the movement. Yes, a bit overdramatic perhaps, but compared to the blank, fish-like look most choirs have, I appreciated it. =)

Craig Sturm said...

It reminds me a bit of watching the Grace Mission "gospel" choir. Japanese people singing, "Soon and Very Soon". You appreciate the effort, but it's hard not to laugh at the juxtaposition of cultures.