I'm studying the roots of ancient civilization for several classes right now, starting "at the very beginning" as it were to try to understand where society has come from and where philosophies began. In my studies of today, I ran across an interesting quote attributed to Confucius, "The master said, 'I suppose I should give up hope. I have yet to meet the man who is as fond of virtue as he is of beauty in women.' ". Amusing that this was written thousands of years ago, but is still true...you'd almost think human nature had something to do with it.
But I thought we were all getting better!...
"Don't spit in the wind"
"Don't tug on Superman's cape"
"Don't mess around with the ol' Lone Ranger"
"Don't mess around with Jim"
and of course, "Don't forget to contact your parents!"
Love you...Dad
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