For my friends farther south, this is going to seem ludicrously early. But winter has arrived in Calgary, as evidenced by the snow and hail we've gotten this last week; there are icicles on the trees. Especially with Thanksgiving is this weekend (gotta admit, that's still odd to me), the school has erupted in bizarre mix of midterm stress and festive cheer. Everyone talks of what they're planning on eating when they go home. For the vegetarians, and those of us who generally try to eat much healthier than our cafeteria fare, the prospect is especially exciting. I think the most exciting part will be just getting out of Residence for the weekend. I really do enjoy living in Res, but when you have little mode of transport (or places to go off campus) you tend to just stay in the Ambrose circle for weeks on end. Going anywhere off-campus becomes an event. In the words of Sherlock Homes,
" It is, of course, a trifle, but there is nothing so important as trifles." I'm quickly finding as a student, being able to find little joys in life is especially helpful.
"There's icicles..."
Should be, "there are icicles"
You're right. I will edit...
man, I'm so sorry you have winter already! That stinks. And I've found that the little, simple things of life bring the most pleasure....
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