For some reason today, I was just struck with how interesting it is that we're instructed to " love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind "( Matthew 22: 37). When I think of that verse, I usually think of loving God with my heart and my actions. What does it mean to love God with your mind? I don't usually equate the action of loving with the mind. This may have to do with my separation of the mind (knowing things) from the heart (feeling things), which likely flows from traditional western philosophical notions. But they're listed separately in Matthew too, and I must assume that's done for a reason. Thinking further about it, though, I would find it very hard to love God in only one or two of those capacities and not in all of them. Without being able to at least somewhat understand with my mind glorious truths about God, I couldn't begin to truly love him for them. When I recognize the beauty of God in my mind, that leads me to worship. Knowing that my life is a brief blessing, sovereignly predetermined by an omnipotent and holy God, frees me to live with boldness for the sake of the gospel and love my neighbors as myself (the second part of that commandment). In theory, anyway.
Interesting food for thought, to say the very least.
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