Sunday, May 9, 2010

As many of you may know, leaving school (and Canada) this year was hard for me. Though initially I despised it and couldn't wait to be back South of the border, the Lord works in mysterious ways. He lead me to Ambrose and provided caring, supportive friends, strength and diligence for the schoolwork that needed to be accomplished, money for housing and tuition, and even good health. I have been blessed and will no doubt continue to be blessed by my time up North, and I'm anxious to return and see what more God has in store for me there. That being said, here's the cliff-hanger that you've all been asking me: Lord willing, I will not be in Calgary when fall semester begins. Clearly, this is not because I dislike it, or because I want to take more time to finish my degree. On the contrary, taking the time to save up money down here where I can work without dealing with complicated government issues will make it far easier for me to stay for the remainder of my degree. Yes, it will mean getting settled then uprooted. Again. But God has provided exceedingly and abundantly more than I can ask, think, or imagine; His words are true and unchanging. I can trust that if He moves me, He will supply my needs. Right now, it just seems that my needs will be best supplied if I'm in my home country for the time being, so I'm staying put.


Demon Kitti said...

Wow, that's a shock to read. O_O I hope you'll be able to get back settled into Ambrose again afterwards. In the meantime, I wish you the Lord's blessings on your financial endeavours and I truly hope to see you again soon! :)

Kelsey Sturm said...

Thank you, friend. =) I'd love to get to catch up with you too!